Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Response to Nude Descending Staircase by X.J. Kennedy

Nude Descending a Staircase by Marcel Duchamp

Toe upon toe, a snowing flesh,
A gold of lemon, root and rind,
She sifts in sunlight down the stairs
With nothing on. Nor on her mind.
We spy beneath the banister
A constant thresh of thigh on thigh--
Her lips imprint the swinging air
That parts to let her parts go by.
One-woman waterfall, she wears
Her slow descent like a long cape
And pausing, on the final stair
Collects her motions into shape.

Response: I love this poem. The imagery hits me with each line. The last line gives me a vision of a dragged image coming into focus, of the woman collecting herself.  I think the image that was provided with the poem fits very well as an abstract thought. I included an image at the bottom as well that I also felt portrayed the poem well. "She sifts in sunlight down the stairs/ with nothing on. Nor on her mind." are my favorite lines. The first is beautiful, I can see the different patterns of light coming on to her body as she filter down, and the second is so frank and simple, it says everything. The poem makes me wonder where she is coming from and where  she is going in such a state. I think it is very successful!

Nude Descending a Staircase by Gjon Mili