Saturday, February 18, 2012

Original Poem

by Pauline Adair

Lay With Me

If we could just lay
we would lay for days and days
inside and outside of wood floors and laundry.

We would lay on the beach
      hot sun multiplied by our own blood heat
      tangled our tan lines show
      un-budgable touch.

We would lay in the rain
      cooling pat pat trickles on leaves
      and falls to our smiling faces
      eyes shut.

We would lay on the ice
      warm while it melts to a bath
      we are floating in rippling
      liquid love.

We would lay underground
      where mice use our bodies as blankets they snuggle
      in the small crevices not pressed so strong
      against each other.

We would lay under the redwood city
where I told you I loved you.
Where the linear growth is a conveyor belt
straight to standing.