Friday, February 17, 2012

Response to The Disallusionment at 10 O'clock by Wallace Stevens

The houses are haunted
By white night-gowns.
None are green,
Or purple with green rings,
Or green with yellow rings,
Or yellow with blue rings.
None of them are strange,
With socks of lace
And beaded ceintures.
People are not going
To dream of baboons and periwinkles.
Only, here and there, an old sailor,
Drunk and asleep in his boots,
Catches tigers In red weather.
I like this poem because it creates contrast between boring normal life and excitement of alternatives
Stevens does this through color, saying that the white nightgowns and white socks are boring, they only
dream pretty dreams and "haunt" houses; there is not feeling here. He is saying that there are only a
few people who go outside the box, like the sailor, to be drunk and asleep in his boots.
I like this contrast, its and interesting way to say humanity is boring.